UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People

Kids Building Future Healthy

Monash University and VicHealth have collaborated to create “Kids Building Future Healthy,” an educational edition of Minecraft aimed at children between the ages of 9 and 12.

This initiative encourages children to design communities in the game where people are connected, physically active, and have access to healthy food options. Through the Minecraft Education Edition, children will explore the Future Healthy World and gather information on various ways to address health issues within their communities. The ultimate goal is for children to design and construct their ideal Future Healthy World.

Deana Leahy, Associate Professor at Monash University, explains that the project uses citizen science as a way for kids to identify and understand the impact of the commercial and social determinants of health whilst also engaging them in the planning to take action (where they can) on the commercial and social determinants of health in their community. The aim is for kids to have an opportunity to collectively contribute to a better, healthier and fairer community and share their ideas with key decision makers in their school or community.

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