UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People

24 March 2021 – La santé au quotidien dans les établissements scolaires (Everyday Health in Schools)

Speakers: Valérie Etéocle, Cheffe d’établissement, Collège Jules Romain, Académie de Clermont-Ferrand Véronique Baranska, Infirmière Éducation Nationale, sexologue clinicienne, licenciée en psychologie et personne ressource du site www.pratiquesensante.org Sourour Memdouh, professeure …

One year into COVID: Prioritizing education recovery to avoid a generational catastrophe – high-level Ministerial on-line event – UNESCO Chair GHE speaking

As the world enters a second year living with the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO will convene a high-level ministerial event on 29 March to take stock of lessons learnt, the greatest …

Participate in the second survey on the safe reopening of schools

You are invited to complete the second survey on the safe reopening of schools and to share the survey within your network. The aim of the survey is to gather the experiences and opinions of education and health professionals about the processes in place in their countries and territories to reopen schools safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to keep them open.

We want to continue to form a bridge between the scientific data and the needs of people who are implementing national guidance and feeling the impact of the ongoing pandemic in schools and the surrounding communities. It will reflect on intersectoral working to date, and recommendations for moving forward.

The survey explores the public health measures that have been put in place in schools; communication of guidance at national and/or local level, and the facilitators or barriers to safe reopening. The survey should take 10-20 minutes to complete. It is a follow-up of the survey which was conducted in May/June 2020.

The survey is conducted by the UNESCO Chair and WHO Collaborating Center in Global Health & Education with the support of its consortium partners from ASCD, CHAIN, Education InternationalEUPHA Child and Adolescent Public Health, EUPHA Health PromotionGCU London, IAAH and their Young Professionals’ Network, IUHPE, NCD Child, UCA and the SHE Network.

More information and access to the survey link

Recording of regional workshop ‘School Health in Latin America: Intersectoral NCD Prevention and Management’

On December 14 and 15, 2020, NCD Child, in partnership with the Healthy Latin America Coalition (CLAS) and the American Heart Association, hosted a two-day regional workshop entitled ‘School Health in Latin …