UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People


The work of the UNESCO Chair is embedded in relevant international networks. The Chair positions itself as a strategic partner in producing and sharing knowledge, training, development of intervention tools and support for developing intersectoral policies.

The UNESCO Chair operates as a think-tank, a knowledge hub, a mediator between the academic world and institutions, trade unions, international networks, professional communities, regional or local authorities.

The UNESCO Chair is structured around five types of partnerships:

  • A network of universities from the Global South and the Global North
  • A close link with UNESCO and WHO
  • Formalized collaboration with relevant global and regional networks involved in the field of health promotion and schools
  • A link with national institutions
  • Partnerships with private actors in the field of research and intervention, associations, foundations, companies

Academic institutions




North America

South America


Founding organisations

The development of the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education community and the implementation of it’s activities are made possible thanks to the support of two of it’s founding organisations: MGEN و Groupe Vyv. With nearly 4 million people insured, the MGEN group is a major player in social protection and the leading public service mutual. As the leading mutual in health and social protection in France, the VYV group has a real social commitment, capable of providing ever more supportive and innovative solutions to build a more equitable and socially responsible society.


The objective of the University of Clermont Auvergne Foundation is to support actions in the following priority areas:

  • supporting and promoting excellence in research
  • optimising student integration into the world of work
  • developing innovation and creating businesses
  • increasing the international recognition and appeal of the University of Clermont Auvergne

The MGEN Foundation for Public Health was created in 2002 by the MGEN, a French mutual health insurer. The Foundation’s multidisciplinary team conducts scientific research in four areas of public health: “Health economics”, “Occupational health”, “Prevention and health promotion ” and “Cognitive and functional ageing”. The research studies, some of which are carried out in partnership with other research teams, are published in both national or international scientific journals.

The mission of the Sanofi Espoir Foundation is to contribute to reducing health inequalities among populations that need it most by applying a socially responsible approach. 

The main focus of Trinity Care Foundation is on enhancing the public programs effectiveness and strengthening the community programs by reaching out to the socially and economically underprivileged sections of the society both in rural ans urban India.

The Vulnerable Empowerment Foundation International Liberia Inc. (VEFIL) is committed to strengthening the public healthcare system so that every person, regardless of ability to pay, has access to affordable and good quality health care services.


Welbin works with schools, non-governmental organizations and governments worried about improving the health and wellbeing conditions of schools given their influence on school attendance, performance, and quality of life. It does so by providing technology-powered tools, like the Welbin index, to make evidence-based decisions and conduct monitoring and evaluation.


Bureau pour la Croissance Integrale et al Dignite de l’Enfant, abbreviated BCIDE, is a Non-Governmental Organisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, whose mission is to protect and defend the rights of the child; to educate, instruct, supervise and popularise through its actions children in different areas of life and help them to grow in dignity and respect for human rights, and to increase their intellectual and technical capacity for self-promotion and / or self-support for a better future. Its scope of action extends to human rights, the fight against corruption, the promotion of the environment and international labour standards.

Bureau pour la Croissance Integrale et al Dignite de l’Enfant en sigle BCIDE,  est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale de la République Démocratique du Congo, qui a pour mission, de protéger et défendre les droits de l’enfant; d’éduquer, d’instruire, d’encadrer et de vulgariser à travers ses actions les enfants dans différents domaines de la vie et les aider à croître dans la dignité et dans le respect des droits humains, et en vue d’augmenter leur capacité intellectuelle et technique pour leur autopromotion et/ou leur auto prise en charge pour un avenir meilleur. Son champ d’action s’étend sur les droits de l’homme, la lutte contre la corruption, la promotion de l’environnement et les normes internationales du travail. 

The NGO Cancer Prevention Research Group in Greece aims at the scientific understanding, studying and informing the public of the factors, which play an important role in the increasing & reducing of cancer. The main goal of the CPRGGreece is the study of cancer prevention, through a multi-disciplinary prism of multiple scientific fields and specializations.

The mission of Health Promotion South Africa Trust (HPSA), a registered non-profit organization, is to educate and promote health and well-being at the individual and community level in South Africa.

The goal  of the NGO Tarang Health Alliance is to influence Education Policy so that Health Education is mandatory in every school in India.


  • Chaire UNESCO en Culture des droits de l’homme et éducation au développement durable dans l’enseignement préscolaire et primaire, Université Chrétienne “Dimitrie Cantemir”, Roumania
  • Chaire UNESCO en Education, formation et recherche en développement durable, Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux, France
  • UNESCO Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability, Institute of Geography, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
  • UNESCO Chair in Healthy Life for Sustainable Development, Moscow State University of medicine and dentistry, Russia
  • UNESCO Chair on Global Health & Education, Osaka University, Japan
  • Chaire UNESCO en Santé sexuelle & droits humains, Université de Paris, UFR Médecine Paris Nord, France
  • UNESCO Chair on Training and empowering Human ressources for Health Development in Resource-limited Countries, Brescia University, Italy


The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)  is a global professional non-governmental organisation dedicated to health promotion around the world. 

The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) envisions all students healthy, safe, and ready to learn. NASN’s mission is to optimize student health and learning by advancing the practice of school nursing.

The overall aim of the Schools for Health in Europe Network Foundation (SHE) is to improve the health of children and young people in Europe, including reducing health inequalities, through a specific setting focus on schools. SHE supports its members to further develop and sustain school health promotion in each country by providing a European platform for school health promotion.

The vision of the World Federation of Massage is to unite the massage community, become a trusted authority on massage, achieve professional excellence in massage and set higher standards for the massage industry worldwide. So that through massage we can be a bridge to improve health and education for future generations and make the world a better place to live.

Unions for professionals
