UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People

Educational continuity

An unprecedented situation for teachers, students and their families

The confinement situation faced by many societies currently results in a change in our daily lives, in all its social, professional, family and personal dimensions. The school finds itself in a position to guarantee pedagogical continuity at a distance; parents and families are operating on the front line, loaded with a new responsibility. This often generates a lot of worries, stress and/or daily difficulties, whether they are organizational (ensuring telework and school at home at the same time), relational (managing with children fulfilling their homework) or related to questions of legitimacy or capacity (not feeling competent to take on the role of substitute teacher). Also, the most vulnerable families will pay the most for this school closure situation.

Resources adaptable to different contexts

To support the teachers but also the families with all these new roles and missions, resources developed in 2019 are made available in French on the website “ Réussir, Etre bien, Etre ensemble ” (Succeed, Be Well, Be Together). These resources were developed by teams from the Direction de l’Enseignement de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Directorate of Education of New Caledonia ) (DENC), the Agence Sanitaire et Sociale (Health and Social Agency) (ASS), the UNESCO Chair and WHO Collaborating Centre Global Health & Education with over one hundred teachers.

The resources in the “Succeed, Be Well, Be Together” program help children learn:

  • knowledge about body and health;
  • the ability to take care of themselves and others;
  • personal, social and citizen skills, including respect for themselves and others, the ability to build personal opinions and to be assertive in a constructive way;
  • knowledge about the physical and digital environment at the national and global level.

The resources  have been developed for use in classrooms in New Caledonia, but can also be used to support distant learning activities for primary school children, aged 6 to 10. They are intended to be adapted to different situations.

An ambitious school health promotion programme

Réussir, Etre bien, Etre ensemble (REBEE) (Succeed, Be Well, Be Together ) is  a device developed  several years ago in New Caledonia, aimed at supporting schools to implement the health education activities of the Caledonian educational project and the Do Kamo health plan. It is linked to the work carried out by the territorial, provincial and community health and education institutions.

Visit the website (in French)