UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People


Guidance and Training

  • The respondents are almost equally divided: half of them reports to have received guidance and enough time, and another half did not – or has doubts about it.
  • For the majority of respondent, no training or not enough training occurred about most aspects of the pandemic
  • Training has been better for technical elements to be applied on a daily basis, like :
    • Putting infection control measures in place
    • Explaining measures to students
    • What to do if infection breaks out in school
  • Schools have been the provider of most training and guidance
  • For people who don’t work in a school :
    • half of the respondents get information from their National Ministry of Health
    • 40% of respondents get their information from the media, or from their own experience as parent/grandparent

Intersectoral working during the COVID-19 pandemic in schools

  • 54% of respondents working in a school report poor or no collaboration between health professionals and education professionals
  • Respondents not working in a school have a better perception as 53% report excellent, good or fair collaboration between the professionals

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