UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People

Article: We underestimate the impact of climate change on education

In the article “We underestimate the impact of climate change on education” Irene Torres and Carole Faucher describe the impact of climate change on education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Climate change is causing more frequent and more severe weather events. With hurricanes damaging and destroying school infrastructure, equipment and teaching materials, and ensuing flooding and mudslides impeding access to schools by teachers and students. In the aftermath, schools are often used as shelters, bringing lessons to a further halt.

Slow climate change related events such as an increase in surface and ocean temperatures, and in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves and drought, are also expected to continue unfolding in Latin America and the Caribbean. Effecting children’s ability to concentrate in class and their general wellbeing. 

The authors urge the governments and key actors to recognise the impact of climate change on education and to protect the right of students to physically remain in school.

Read the whole article

Torres, I. & Faucher, C. (2022, August 8). “We underestimate the impact of climate change on education”. Latinoamerica21. https://latinoamerica21.com/en/we-underestimate-the-impact-of-climate-change-on-education/