UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People

Intersectoral working in schools between education staff and primary healthcare professionals – Call for case studies

Share your examples of collaboration between health and education professionals to promote the health of all students in schools.

Schools have a significant impact on student health, both in terms of the environment provided and the education offered. Health professionals, whether part of the school ecosystem or from the community, can help schools play an active role in improving health conditions for all students.

We know that many examples of collaborations between health and education professionals exist throughout the world. This is why the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education is launching a call for intersectoral initiatives between health and education professionals to promote the health of all students in schools.

The analysis of these case studies will increase our appreciation of resilience-promoting factors of effective intersectoral working between health and education professionals in schools. We are collecting as many as possible, representing the experiences of people and communities from a wide variety of social and cultural global contexts.

The collected case studies will be carefully described ensuring that we can learn from them – both in terms of success, effectiveness, potential and challenges. Case studies can be submitted until 31 May.

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