UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education Health Education, Prevention, Health Promotion, Children and Young People

The creation of the chair “Global Health and Education” has been approved by the UNESCO

Universities, WHO, UNESCO, institutions and International Networks in collaboration to improve education, health and well-being in schools

The “Global Health and Education” UNESCO chair and UNITWIN network aim to promote research and training, to contribute to building, interpreting and disseminating the knowledge base in the field of health education and health promotion in schools and communities. It will contribute to give visibility and recognition to the work done by research teams in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Americas and Europe.

Together, health and education are key components of sustainable development. Among the “17 Goals to Transform Our World (SDG)”, the chair contributes to building and interpreting the evidence base for SDG 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) and SDG 4 (Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning).

This academic project is unique in its connections to UN agencies (including UNESCO and WHO) and is deeply rooted in existing international networks which positions it as a strategic resource for knowledge production, knowledge transfer and capacity building at the global level. Its specific contribution will be a “driving force” for the networks, offering “think tank”, “knowledge-hub” and “bridge building” capacities linking academia, international networks, institutions, professional communities, unions, and local communities, thus operating at macro and micro levels of policy and practice.

The aim is to strengthen intersectoral approaches, contribute to the evidence-base, create new synergies, contribute to nurture existing networks and thus support current practice. The chair will make a contribution to policy and practice development by developing international research projects, translating the research evidence, strengthening capacity building and, within institutions and networks, offering support to policy-makers and practitioners at the global level.